"An extraordinary vocalist.
Freddie would've been impressed!"
Brian May (Queen)
Anyone who’s ever yearned to experience Elton John in his most celebrated golden 1970s era will be blown away by the Elton When Rock Was Young® experience. Widely accepted as the world’s leading presentation of Elton John in his mid-70s prime, Elton When Rock Was Young® faithfully presents Elton John when he was youthful, outrageous and full of energy, taking you on an exciting journey through the classic Elton songs you know and love from the seventies. Visually, this 90-minute concert-style theatre spectacular immerses you in the thrilling seventies era of flamboyant costumes, iconic instruments, the many characters and the back-stories behind the songs.
"Absolutely fabulous! Personality and stage presence in spades. I loved it!"
Jewels van der Toorn

"Show tonight was amazing!"
Cheryl Hastie
"Amazing show, amazing voice."
Murray Stewart